Welcome to the National Early Warning Score online training resource – NEWS2.

This website provides an opportunity to learn about the implementation and use of the National Early Warning Score system which has been introduced across the NHS.

Here you will be able to access online training on how to fill in the forms and effectively operate the NEWS2 system, as well as the option to print out a personal certificate showing that you have successfully completed the training.

The NEWS2 observation chart, score card and clinical responses can be downloaded from the main NEWS2 page at https://news.ocbmedia.com/resources

Please note that NEWS2 is designed for use in adults aged 16 years and above. NEWS2 is not recommended for use in children, during pregnancy or spinal cord injury.


This instance of NEWS is for non NHS employees. If you are an NHS employee please register/login here.

Access to this instance of NEWS is provided under a £5.00 annual licence. You will have full access to all modules and certificates for a period of 12 months at which point you will need to renew your subscription.

Don’t have an account? Sign up now